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Historic District Commission Meeting Minutes 10/16/2007
Historic District Commission
October 16, 2007
Land Use Meeting Room

Members Present: ~ Chair Ken Fowler, KF; Elaine Steinert, ES; Kate McNulty-Vaughn, KM-V; Jason Berger, JB

Staff present: Mary Albertson

KF introduced Mr. Jim Harwood, an Architect, who is interested in serving on the Commission.  Mr. Harwood presented his resume.  JB made a motion to request the Board of Selectmen to appoint Mr. Harwood and KM-V seconded the motion.  The Commission agreed 4-0.

Charles Schulze, sign for property located at 54 Church Street, Map 43 Parcel 118. KM-V disclosed that her daughter worked with Mr. Harrison several years ago. Presenting the application was Robert Harrison, an architect, who is establishing a branch office to his existing office in Great Barrington.  The request is for two signs; one which is for his office and the other is for Frank Macioge who is also an architect.  JB questioned the height of 6’ 7” to the top of the sign. (The maximum allowed is six feet.)  Mr. Harrison agreed to reduce the size to 6’.  JB made a motion to approve the signs and ES seconded the motion.  The Commission agreed 4-0.

Gennaro Gallo, 15 Franklin St., Map 43 Parcel 82, remodeling; siding, glass panel doors, pitch of roof increased, new roof shingles, and new windows. Presenting the application was Gennaro Gallo and his father Tony Gallo.  The project will involve removing four windows and replacing with two functioning doors with balconies and two windows.  The remaining vinyl on the building will be removed and replaced with hardy plank.  These changes are consistent with changes made and approved by the HDC in 2004.  The changes will result in the front of the building being more symmetrical than it is now.  The pitch of the roof is being changed because of structural problems.  The balcony structures will protrude by two feet and the building and trim will be white.  KM-V said that she thought this could be an opportunity to add detail which would add to the historic integrity.  KF stated that what was original is gone.  He said that numerous changes have been made since the building was constructed in 1880 and that owners are not required to restore to the original.  JB made a motion to approve the proposed alterations to the building with the condition that the applicant comes back to present the details of the balcony.   ES seconded the motion and the Commission approved 3-0-1.
KM-V abstained.

Other business:
·       KF said that he had spoken to Collette Lemanski about being an alternate on the Commission.  The Commission would like for Ms. Lemanski to submit a resume.  The Commission needs two alternates to meet the Commission requirements.
·       Future meetings will begin with the approval of the minutes.  Commission members are being asked to review the minutes as soon as possible after they have been emailed to them and to notify PA of any edits prior to the following meeting. At the meeting the Commissioners will then be prepared to approve.
·       ES presented a binder with the photos of signs in the District.
·       KF reported on the Board of Selectmen’s meeting of Oct. 10, 2007 when he and KM-V represented the HDC.  They discussed the issues before the HDC with regard to enforcement of compliance.  The Building Inspector, Bill Thornton, was also at that meeting.  The Selectmen felt that the key is education and suggested that an informational packet be prepared for distribution within the District.  Mr. Thornton prefers to not go to court to enforce compliance.  MA suggested the Commission empower the Chair to work in conjunction with the Building Inspector on minor changes.  KF gave a few examples of minor changes he would feel comfortable with, but said that any new sign request should be reviewed by all members of the Commission.  MA offered to be a liaison to the property owners and businesses in the District and JB stated that he would sift through the basics of the sign laws and assist MA in compiling a pamphlet for distribution.
·       Status of the two letters which have been referred to as Historic District Notification and Second Letter:  These letters are still being discussed and reviewed.  More suggestions were made and after considerable discussion it was agreed that MA will speak to the Town Manager and will rewrite the two letters following the suggestions made at tonight’s meeting.  MA will then email to the Commissioners and provide a time limit for members to make further changes or comments.  Operating within a time frame will assure that the letters will be finalized at the next meeting.  In conclusion, the Commissioners agreed that the Board of Selectmen can only approve temporary promotional signs and that the Selectmen should have a process in place so that these temporary signs remain up no longer than two weeks.  All other sign permits must be approved by the HDC.

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola